
From Lunarpedia
Revision as of 12:09, 8 March 2007 by Strangelv (talk | contribs) (source code that created the incompletely installed A list)
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Source code as of the partially successful execution that stopped after 327 entries.

#                                                 #
# PreAutostub 3                                   #
#                                                 #
# A specialized tool to feed a specific group of  #
# HTML sources into Autostub3                     #
#                                                 #
# PUBLIC DOMAIN                                   #
#                                                 #

TESTNO = "Gamma_A" #? lost count here

def Parser(List):
    #Setup variables and buffers
    ListPosition = 0  # position in List; forgot why I needed this
    TagID  = ""       # buffer for the current tag
    LinkID = ""       # buffer for the link name
    Name   = ""       # this is hopefully the correct name for the article
    Output = ""       # output text
    mode   = "Text"   # what mode we're in
    Flag   = ""       # Is this article flagged for something?
    Named  = 0        # Is this already named?
    Defno  = 1        # Which definition?
    for q in List:
        # Text Mode -- dumps text directly to output buffer until put into 
        # another mode; ends with a '<' and switches to tag mode
        if mode == "Text":
           if q == "<":
              mode = "Tag"
              TagID = ""
           else: Output += q
        # Tag mode -- stores text into TagID buffer; ends with a '>', 
        # identifies the ID buffer and switches to the appropriate mode or
        # outputs the appropriate text and returns to Text mode.
        # 'A' -- enter A mode
        # 'STRONG' -- enter Strong mode
        # 'I' or '/I' -- output "''"
        # 'B' or '/B' -- output "'''"
        # 'MATH' or '/MATH' -- output '<math>' or '</math>'
        # 'SUP' or '/SUP' -- output '<sup>' or '</sup>'
        # 'SUB' or '/SUB' -- output '<sub>' or '</sub>'
        # 'DD' -- output '<BR/><BR/>' 
        # 'BR' or 'BR/' -- output '<BR/>'
        # 'CITE' or '/CITE' -- output 'CITE' or '/CITE'
        # 'IMG' -- set missing image tag; return name of missing image
        # P -- replace with nothing
        # unknown: return verbatim in angle brackets and switch to Text mode
        elif mode == "Tag":
             if q == ">":
                if ReadTag(TagID) == "A":
                   mode = "A"
                elif ReadTag(TagID) == "STRONG":    
                    if not Named:  
                       mode = "Strong"
                         mode = "End"  
                         Output += "'''"  
                elif ReadTag(TagID) == "I":
                     Output += "''"
                     mode = "Text"   
                elif ReadTag(TagID) == "B":
                     Output += "'''"
                     mode = "Text"   
                elif ReadTag(TagID) == "/I":
                     Output += "''"
                     mode = "Text"   
                elif ReadTag(TagID) == "/B":
                     Output += "'''"
                     mode = "Text"   
                elif ReadTag(TagID) == "CITE":
                     Output += "<ref>"
                     mode = "Text"   
                     Flag += "R"
                elif ReadTag(TagID) == "/CITE":
                     Output += "</ref>"
                     mode = "Text"   
                elif ReadTag(TagID) == "/A":
                     mode = "Text" 
                elif ReadTag(TagID) == "P":
                     Output += "<BR/>"
                     mode = "Text" 
                elif ReadTag(TagID) == "MATH":
                     Output += "<"+TagID.lower()+">"
                     mode = "Text"   
                elif ReadTag(TagID) == "/MATH":
                     Output += "</math>"
                     mode = "Text"   
                elif ReadTag(TagID) == "DD":
                     Output += "<BR/>" # '''"+str(Defno)+".'''"
                     Defno += 1
                     mode = "Text"   
                elif ReadTag(TagID) == "IMG":
                     Output += "'''Missing Image:"+TagID+"'''"
                     mode = "Text" 
                     Flag += "I"
                     Output += "<"+TagID+">"
                     mode = "Text" 
             else: TagID += q
        # A mode -- stores text into LinkID buffer; ends with a '<', outputs 
        # a Wikilink version of the text accumilated in its buffer.
        elif mode == "A":
             if q == "<":
                if LinkID != "":
                   Output += "[["+CapIt(LinkID)+"|"+LinkID+"]]"
                   mode = "End"
                   LinkID = ""
                  LinkID += q      
        # Strong mode -- stores text into Name buffer; ends with a '<' and 
        # capitalizes 
        elif mode == "Strong":
             if q == "<":
                Name = CapIt(Name)
                mode = "End"
                Named = 1
                  Name += q      
        # Weak mode -- when the boson is hit by a neutrino it changes the 
        # flavor of the nearest... Oh. Sorry, wrong model.
        # End mode -- ignores all text until the ending '>' is recieved; 
        # switches to Text mode.  Nested tags are not supported and it is
        # assumed that any new tag is the correct end tag.
        elif mode == "End":
             if q == ">":
                mode = "Text"
        # Um, what mode are we in again?        
        else: raise TypeError, "Parser internal error: WTF is "+mode+" mode??"
        # Incriment ListPosition
        # Q: Do I still need this or did I eliminate its usefulness?
        ListPosition += 1
    return [Output, Name, Flag]

def KingMe(stringy):
    '''capitalizer that doesn't uncapitalize'''
    return stringy[0].upper()+stringy[1:]

def ReadTag(rawtext):
    # should return the leftmost part of the string in SCREAMING CAPITALS.
    return rawtext.split(' ',1)[0].upper().strip('\\. ')

def CapIt(Name):
    # Needs to consistently return a Capitalized Form of whatever name is 
    # plugged into it
    Name    = Name.split()
    CapName = ""
    Terms   = 0
    for q in Name:
        if Terms == 0:
           CapName = KingMe(q.strip(',.'))
           Terms = 1
             CapName = CapName + " " + KingMe(q.strip(',.'))
    return CapName   

def FindRedir(gunk):
    link      = []
    foundlink = 0
    buffer    = ""
    mode      = "ignore"
    Count     = 0 # was added only for debugging
    Modemap   = "" # also added only for debugging
    for q in gunk:
        if mode == "ignore":
           Modemap += "i" 
           if q == "[":
              mode = "maybe"
        elif mode == "maybe":
             Modemap += "m" 
             if q == "[":
                mode = "link"
             else: mode = "ignore" #; print "FAILED LINK" 
        elif mode == "link":
             Modemap += "L" 
             if ((q == "|") or (q == "]")):
                foundlink += 1
                mode = "ignore"           
                link += [buffer]
                buffer = ""
                # print "found link at "+str(Count)
             else: buffer += q 
        Count += 1    
    #print Modemap    
    #print "foundlink ==", foundlink, link
    if foundlink: 
       if len (link) > 1: 
          # print link
          themax = 0    # length of longest
          theout = None # which is longest
          for q in link:
              # print len(q), themax
              if len(q) > themax:
                 theout = q
          # print theout
          return theout   
       else: return link[0]
    else: return None    

#Get raw html
#RawML = raw_input()

RawML = ""

RawML +=


#RawML +=

#RawML +=

#Parse Page into slices using <DT> tags
RawList = RawML.split('<DT>')

#Create ProtoArticles and Redirects and stuff them full of proto-articles
ProtoArticles = []
Redirects = []
bailout = 0
punchout = 0
for q in RawList:
    if q != "":
       artie = Parser(q)
       if artie[0].count("constellation"):
          print "constellation check removing entry:",artie[1]
       elif (artie[0].count('=',0,5) or artie[0].upper().count('SEE',0,20)):
            #print artie
            artie2 = FindRedir(artie[0])
            #print artie2
            if artie2:
               if   artie[1] == "ADF (abbr)": artie[1] = "ADF"            
               elif artie[1] == "ADP (abbr)": artie[1] = "ADP"            
               elif artie[1] == "AFC (abbr)": artie[1] = "AFC"            
               elif artie[1] == "Andromeda (abbr And Andr)": artie[1] = "Andromeda"            
               elif artie[1] == "Antlia (abbr Ant Antl.)": artie[1] = "Antlia"            
               elif artie[1] == "APU (abbr)": artie[1] = "APU"            
               elif artie[1] == "AU (abbr)": artie[1] = "AU"            
               elif artie[1] == "Atomic Mass Unit (abbr Amu)": artie[1] = "Atomic Mass Unit"            
               elif artie[1] == "Atomic Weight Unit (abbr Awu)": artie[1] = "Atomic Weight Unit"            
               elif artie[1] == "Anti-g Suit": artie[1] = "Anti G Suit"            
               elif artie[1] == "": artie[1] = ""            
               elif artie[1] == "": artie[1] = ""            
               elif artie[1] == "": punchout = 1
               #table for collections and bailouts 
               if not punchout: Redirects += [(artie[1],artie2)]
               else: punchout = 0
          #print "artie2",artie2
       #print Parser(q)[2]
       #print "*****"
            #name patch list
            if   artie[1] == "Acoustic Velocity (": artie[1] = "Acoustic Velocity"            
            elif artie[1] == "(abbr ADC)": artie[1] = "ADC"  
            elif artie[1] == "AND-NOT Gate = Exclusive OR Circuit": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "Angular Acceleration (": artie[1] = "Angular Acceleration"  
            elif artie[1] == "Angular Velocity (": artie[1] = "Angular Velocity"  
            elif artie[1] == "Astronomical Unit (abbr AU)": artie[1] = "Astronomical Unit"  
            elif artie[1] == "Atomic Weight (abbr At Wt.)": artie[1] = "Atomic Weight"  
            elif artie[1] == "Automatic Direction Finder (abbr ADF)": artie[1] = "Automatic Direction Finder"  
            elif artie[1] == "Automatic Frequency Control (abbr AFC)": artie[1] = "Automatic Frequency Control"  
            elif artie[1] == "Automatic Gain Control (abbr AGC)": artie[1] = "Automatic Gain Control"  
            elif artie[1] == "Auxiliary Power Unit (abbr APU)": artie[1] = "Auxiliary Power Unit"  
            elif artie[1] == "Axis (plural Axes)": artie[1] = "Axis"  
            elif artie[1] == "Acceleration Of Gravity (": artie[1] = "Acceleration Of Gravity"  
            elif artie[1] == "Air Position Indicator (abbr API)": artie[1] = "Air Position Indicator"  
            elif artie[1] == "[[]]": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "Alphanumeric (alphabet Plus Numeric)": artie[1] = "Alphanumeric"  
            elif artie[1] == "Ampere (abbr A)": artie[1] = "Ampere"  
            elif artie[1] == "AND Gate And Gate": artie[1] = "AND Gate"  
            elif artie[1] == "Anti-matter": artie[1] = "Antimatter"  
            elif artie[1] == "Anti-particle": artie[1] = "Antiparticle"  
            elif artie[1] == "": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "Alga (plural Algae)": artie[1] = "Algae"  
            elif artie[1] == "B��y Chair": artie[1] = "Bárány Chair"  
            elif artie[1] == "Barn (Abbr B)": artie[1] = "Barn"  
            elif artie[1] == "(abbr BT Sequencing)": artie[1] = "BT Sequencing"  
            elif artie[1] == "Baum�scale (abbr Be)": artie[1] = "Baumé scale"  
            elif artie[1] == "Bernoulli Law Or Bernoulli Theorem": artie[1] = "Bernoulli's Law"  
            elif artie[1] == "Bluntness (": artie[1] = "Bluntness"  
            elif artie[1] == "Boiling Point (abbr Bp)": artie[1] = "Boiling Point"  
            elif artie[1] == "Bohr Magneton Electronic Bohr Magneton": artie[1] = "Bohr Magneton"  
            elif artie[1] == "Boltzmann Constant (symbol": artie[1] = "Boltzmann Constant"  
            elif artie[1] == "Btu (abbr)": artie[1] = "BTU"  
            elif artie[1] == "Cae Cael": bailout = 1
            elif artie[1] == "Calorie (abbr Cal)": artie[1] = "Calorie"  
            elif artie[1] == "Caml": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "Cam Caml": bailout = 1 
            elif artie[1] == "Cap Capr": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "Car Cari": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "Cet Ceti": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "Cha Cham": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "Cir Circ": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "CMa C Maj": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "Carrier Wave (abbr Cw)": artie[1] = "Carrier Wave"  
            elif artie[1] == "Cathode-ray Tube (abbr CRT)": artie[1] = "Cathode Ray Tube"  
            elif artie[1] == "Cathode-ray Oscilloscope": artie[1] = "Cathode Ray Oscilloscope"  
            elif artie[1] == "Celsius Temperature Scale (abbr C)": artie[1] = "Celsius Temperature Scale"  
            elif artie[1] == "Centigrade Temperature Scale (abbr C)": artie[1] = "Centigrade Temperature Scale"  
            elif artie[1] == "Centimeter (abbr Cm)": artie[1] = "Centimeter"  
            elif artie[1] == "Centimeter-gram-second System (abbr Cgs)": artie[1] = "Centimeter-gram-second System"  
            elif artie[1] == "Centipoise (abbr Cp)": artie[1] = "Centipoise"  
            elif artie[1] == "Cermet [ceramic + Metal]": artie[1] = "Cermet"  
            elif artie[1] == "Circle Of Equal Probability (abbr CEP)": artie[1] = "Circle Of Equal Probability"  
            elif artie[1] == "Circular Dispersion (abbr CD)": artie[1] = "Circular Dispersion"  
            elif artie[1] == "Co": artie[1] = "Co (prefix)"  
            elif artie[1] == "Coefficient (abbr Coeff)": artie[1] = "Coefficient"  
            elif artie[1] == "Coherent Oscillator (abbr Coho)": artie[1] = "Coherent Oscillator"  
            elif artie[1] == "Comes (plural Comites)": artie[1] = "Comes"  
            elif artie[1] == "Continuous Waves (abbr CW)": artie[1] = "Continuous Waves"  
            elif artie[1] == "CMi C Min": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "Cnc Canc": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "Colm": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "Com Coma": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "Copy": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "Cor A": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "Cor B": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "CrA Cor A": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "Coolant (": artie[1] = "Coolant"  
            elif artie[1] == "Correlation Tracking And Ranging (abbr Cotar)": artie[1] = "Correlation Tracking And Ranging"  
            elif artie[1] == "Correlation Tracking And Triangulation (abbr Cotat)": artie[1] = "Correlation Tracking And Triangulation"  
            elif artie[1] == "Coulomb (abbr C)": artie[1] = "Coulomb"  
            elif artie[1] == "Corv": artie[1] = ""  
            elif artie[1] == "Corvus": artie[1] = ""  
            elif artie[1] == "CRT (abbr)":  bailout = 1
            elif artie[1] == "Curie (abbr C)": artie[1] = "Curie"  
            elif artie[1] == "Caelum (abbr Cae Cael)": artie[1] = "Caelum"  
            elif artie[1] == "Bit Rate": artie[1] = "Bitrate"  
            elif artie[1] == "Black Body Blackbody": artie[1] = "Black Body"  
            elif artie[1] == "Black-body Radiation": artie[1] = "Black Body Radiation"  
            elif artie[1] == "Body Of Revolution": artie[1] = "Body of Revolution"  
            elif artie[1] == "": artie[1] = ""  
            elif artie[1] == "CrB Cor B": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "Crt Crat": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "Cruc": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "Crv Corv": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "Cvn C Ven": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "Cyg Cygn": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "Aps Apus": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "Aql Aqil": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "Ari Arie": bailout = 1  
            elif artie[1] == "Aur Auri": bailout = 1 
            #elif artie[1] == "": artie[1] = ""  
            #elif artie[1] == "": artie[1] = ""  
            #elif artie[1] == "": artie[1] = ""  
            #elif artie[1] == "": artie[1] = ""  
            #elif artie[1] == "": artie[1] = ""  
            #elif artie[1] == "": artie[1] = ""  
            #elif artie[1] == "": artie[1] = ""  
            #elif artie[1] == "": artie[1] = ""  
            elif artie[1] == "Ares": bailout = 1  
            #elif artie[1] == "": bailout = 1  
            #elif artie[1] == "": bailout = 1  
            #elif artie[1] == "": bailout = 1  
            #elif artie[1] == "": bailout = 1  
            #elif artie[1] == "": bailout = 1  
            #elif artie[1] == "": bailout = 1  
            #add to final list Acceleration Of Gravity (
            if not bailout: ProtoArticles += [artie]
            else: bailout = 0
            if artie[1].count(" "):
               Redirects += [[artie[1].capitalize(),"#REDIRECT: [["+artie[1]+"]]"]]
               ##print "creating: "+artie[1].capitalize()+" -- #REDIRECT: [["+artie[1]+"]]"

print len(ProtoArticles), "articles"
print len(Redirects), "redirects"

##for q in ProtoArticles:
##    if q[1] == "Aurora": print "aurora is",qqq
##    if q[1] == "Absolute Magnitude": print "absolute magnitude is",qqq
##    qqq += 1

#                               #
# Definition Autostub Generator #
#                               #
# Public Domain                 #
#                               #

#                                                     #
# from PreAutostub3:                                  #
#                                                     #
# ProtoArticles (article text, article name, flags)   #
# Redirects (redirect name, redirect to this article) #
#                                                     #

def XMLproof(textish):
    outp = ""
    for q in textish:
        if   q == "<": outp += "<"
        elif q == ">": outp += ">"
        elif q == "&": outp += "&"
        elif q == '"': outp += """
        ##elif q == ":": outp += "%3A"
        else: outp += q
    return outp

def StartXML():
    out  = [['<mediawiki xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="0.3" xml:lang="en">\n']]
    out +=  ['    <siteinfo>\n']
    out +=  ['        <sitename>Lunarpedia</sitename>\n']
    out +=  ['    </siteinfo>\n']
    return out

def EndXML():
    out  = [['</mediawiki>\n']]
    return out

def ArtXML(title, contrib, date, text):
    '''XML markup for article in file
    title --   title of article
    contrib -- name of script (ie Autostub2)
    text --    the article
    out  = [['    <page>\n']]
    out +=  ['        <title>'+title+'</title>\n']
    out +=  ['        <revision>\n']
    out +=  ['            <timestamp>'+date+'</timestamp>']
    out +=  ['            <contributor>\n']
    out +=  ['                <username>'+contrib+'</username>\n']
    out +=  ['            </contributor>\n']
    ##out += ['            <text xml:space="preserve">'+text+'</text>']
    out +=  ['            <text xml:space="preserve">']
    ##print text
    out +=  text
    out +=  ['</text>\n']
    out +=  ['        </revision>\n']
    out +=  ['    </page>\n']
    return out

def linebrk(listish):
    newlist = []
    for q in listish:
        newlist += [q+"\n"]
    return newlist 

def Stringify(listish):
    stringish = "" 
    for q in listish:
        if type(q) == type('str'):
           stringish += q
           #print "str"
        elif type(q) == type([]):
           stringish += Stringify(q)
           #print "list"
             print type(q)
             print q
             raise TypeError, "non-string non-list!!!"
    return stringish  

def dodef(thisentry): 
    """Create stub article from sequence
    global TESTNO
    # 0 -- body of definition article     
    # 1 -- name of article                
    # 2 -- flags                          
    #      I: missing image               
    #      R: needs references section    
    # start generating the article here:  

    to_out = []
    ##to_out  = ["{{Script Test}}"]    
    to_out += ["{{Autostub}}"]
    to_out += ["{{Initial Proof Needed}}"]
    ##print thisentry[0]
    ##print "*****"
    ##print thisentry[1]
    ##print "*****"
    ##print thisentry[2]

    to_out += ["'''"+thisentry[1]+"'''"]
    to_out += [thisentry[0]]
    #print "*****"
    #print to_out
    to_out += ["==References=="]
    to_out += ["''This article is based on NASA's [[NASA SP-7|Dictionary of Technical Terms for Aerospace Use]]''"]

    if thisentry[2].count("R"):
       to_out += ["<references/>"] 

    to_out += ["[[Category%3ADefinitions]]"]  
    to_out += ["[[Category%3ANASA SP-7]]"]
    if thisentry[2].count("I"):
       to_out += ["[[Category%3ADefinitions with Missing Images]]"]

    ##to_out += [""]
    ##to_out += ["<!-- Generated by a gamma candidate version of Autostub3 (Test "+TESTNO+") -->"]

    to_out = linebrk(to_out)

    return to_out

def doredir(thisentry): 
    """Create redirect from two item sequence
    # 0 -- name of redirect               
    # 1 -- redirect to this article       
    # start generating the redirect here: 

    return ["#REDIRECT: [["+thisentry[1]+"]]"]

def doare(tup):
    proofme = doredir(tup)
    proofed = []
    for q in proofme: 
        proofed += XMLproof(q)
    return ArtXML(tup[0], "Autostub3", "2007-03-07T18:00:00Z", proofed)    

def doanart(tup):
    proofme = dodef(tup)
    proofed = []
    for q in proofme: 
        proofed += XMLproof(q)
    return ArtXML(tup[1], "Autostub3", "2007-03-07T18:00:00Z", proofed)    

execute = StartXML()

for q in ProtoArticles:
    execute += doanart(q)

for q in Redirects:
    execute += doare(q)

##test4 += doanart(ProtoArticles[600])
##test4 += doanart(ProtoArticles[690])
##test4 += doare(Redirects[130])
##test4 += doare(Redirects[140])
##test4 += doare(Redirects[159])

##print doare(ProtoArticles[50])

##print "*****"


##print dodef(ProtoArticles[117])

execute += EndXML()

execute = Stringify(execute)

##print test4

do_xml=open("/home/Luna/autostub3test"+TESTNO+".xml", 'w')

#create and sort table to avoid name collisions
##testlist = []
##redund = []
##for q in ProtoArticles:
##    testlist += ["[["+q[1]+"]] article<BR/>"]
##    redund += [q[1]]
##for q in Redirects:
##    testlist += ["[["+q[0]+"]] redirect<BR/>"]
##    redund += [q[0]]
##print "sorting"
###check for interproject name collisions
##past = "configio.$$$"
##for q in redund:
##    if q == past: print "Collision:",q
##    past = q
##print "sorted:"
##for q in testlist: print q