Hydrogen | |
H | |
In situ availability: | trace |
Necessity: | critical |
Atomic number: | 1 |
Atomic mass: | 1.00794 |
group: | 1 |
period: | 1 |
normal phase: | Gas |
series: | Non-metals |
density: | 0.08988 g/L |
melting point: | 14.175K -258.975°C -434°F |
boiling point: | 20.418K -252.732°C -422.918°F |
N/A ← N/A → N/A | |
N/A ← H → He | |
N/A ← Li → Be | |
Atomic radius (pm): | 25 |
Bohr radius (pm): | 53 |
Covalent radius (pm): | 37 |
Van der Waals radius (pm): | 120 |
ionic radius (pm): | - |
1st ion potential (eV): | 13.60 |
Electron Configuration | |
1s1 | |
Electrons Per Shell | |
1 | |
Electronegativity: | 2.2 |
Electron Affinity: | |
Oxidation states: | 1 |
Magnetism: | |
Crystal structure: | Hexagonal |
Hydrogen is a Non-metal in group 1.
It has a Hexagonal crystalline structure.
This element has two stable isotopes: 1 and 2.
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