Quality |
Luna |
Atmosphere |
Vacuum |
0.1 psi Carbon Dioxide[1]
Advantages |
no barrier to high speed travel __ allows use of structural materials incompatible with oxygen and water __ no barrier to observations __ no wind born dust __ no requirement for structures to withstand weather |
convenient source of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and argon __ allows use of aerobraking and other aerodynamic effects __ protects against electrostatically levitated dust and micrometeors
Disadvantages |
leads to dewetting of lubricated surfaces __ can not be breathed by people or internal combustion engines __ requires space suit protection of people __ requires pressure chambers for industrial processing involving most liquids __ requires pressure chambers for industrial collection of gas __ no protection against micrometeoroids or electrostatically levitated dust |
can not be breathed by people or internal combustion engines __ requires about the same suit protection of people as a vacuum __ requires pressure chambers for industrial processing involving most liquids __ blows dust storms __ interferes with observations __ requires structural considerations to deal with weather __ does not permit electrical acceleration to orbital velocity
Gravity |
1.62 meters per second squared |
3.66 meters per second squared
Advantages |
lower loading on structures to resist gravity than on Mars __ 04.7% of energy needed to orbit Earth can get to lunar orbit |
lower loading on structures to resist gravity than on Earth __ 20% of energy needed to orbit Earth can get to Mars orbit
Disadvantages |
lunar gravity may be insufficient to maintain human health __ low gravity causes problems with low traction for construction work |
Mars gravity may be insufficient to maintain human health __ low gravity causes problems with low traction for construction work
Round Trip Communications Delay |
2.56 seconds |
about 23 minutes average, about 540 times the delay for Luna
Disadvantages |
remote controlled industrial development will be made more difficult |
remote controlled industrial development will be made more difficult, perhaps requiring advances in artificial intelligence
Availability of Elements Necessary Human Civilization |
Volatiles such as mercury are rare. Especially hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen are very scarce. Iron is present in small grains in reduced metallic state. |
All needed elements are present in concentrations recoverable by industrial processes. Adequate quantities are available for developing an extensive outpost of civilization.