List of Offworld Medical Risks
- Acoustic damage
- Bone Loss
- Medical Emergencies
- Muscular Atrophy
- Radiation Sickness - e.g. cosmic rays, solar radiation, nuclear piles, RTGs
- Telemedecine
- Lack of medical supplies
- Lack of medical expertise
- The Bends
- Nitrogen Narcosis
- Exposure to Vacuum
- Inhaling Lunar Dust
- Hypothermia
- Frostbite
- Heatstroke
- Carbon Dioxide
- Hypoxia
- Food poisoning
- Poor Sanitation
- Dehydration
- Burst eardrums
- G Forces
- Toxic materials - e.g. Hydrazine and other propellants
- Throat irritation - from breathing pure low pressure O2
- Vitamin Defecit
- Industrial Accidents
- Fire
- Smoke inhalation
- Toxic gasses
- Liquid Toxins
- Solid Toxins
- Chemical burns
- Cold Burns
- Hot Burns