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Revision as of 16:49, 1 February 2007

In situ availability: ubiquietous
Necessity: important
Atomic number: 26
Atomic mass: 55.845
group: 8
normal phase:
melting point:
boiling point:
N/A ← N/A → N/A
25 ← Fe → 27
Atomic radius (pm): {{{radius}}}
Bohr radius (pm): {{{bohr}}}
Covalent radius (pm): {{{covalent}}}
Van der Waals radius (pm): {{{vdwr}}}
ionic radius (pm): {{{irad}}}
1st ion potential (eV): {{{ipot}}}
Electron Configuration
Electrons Per Shell
Electronegativity: {{{enega}}}
Electron Affinity: {{{eaffin}}}
Oxidation states: {{{oxstat}}}
Magnetism: {{{magn}}}
Crystal structure: {{{cryst}}}
This article is a script test and is not appropriate for editing. Please discuss what should be different in the talk page.

Iron is a (type of element) in the (series) series.

This article is an automatically generated stub. As such it may contain serious errors.
You can help Lunarpedia by expanding or correcting it.