Lunarpedia talk:Autostub1

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Revision as of 07:09, 17 January 2007 by Strangelv (talk | contribs) (specifications talk and posted source code to hack on)
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The specifications are a mixture of what has been done, what I've forgotten I wanted to do, what I thought of on the fly. It's a real mess right now, but may be a workable starting point for discussion. -- Strangelv 06:09, 17 January 2007 (PST)


raw paste. Expect problems. Tinkering needed

#                             #
# Feature Autostub Generator  #
#                             #
# Licence pending             #
#                             #

def dostub(thisentry):
    """Create stub article from database
    # Set up variables to generate article stub
    name = thisentry[2]                  # name of feature
    mapname = makemapname(name, None)    # filename for this feature's
                                         #      automatically generated
                                         #      map from Clementine data
    Lat = float(thisentry[3])            # USGS latitude
    lat = do_lat(Lat)                    # string with proper latitude
    me_long = poslong(thisentry[4])      # longitude (Mean Earth)
    mo_long = me2mo(me_long)             # longitude (Mare Orientale)
    me_coord = coordstr(me_long, lat)    # Mean Earth coordinate string
    mo_coord = coordstr(mo_long, lat)    # Mare Orientale coordinate string
    origin = thisentry[24]               # 'Origin' column in database
                                         #          warning: this seems to
                                         #          be almost anything
    featuretype = thisentry[23]          # Is this a mare, a crater, other?
    dia = thisentry[10]                  # feature diameter, if applicable
    approvalStat = thisentry[18]         # year approval information
    approvalYear = thisentry[19]         # year of approval (if approved)
    reference = thisentry[21]            # 'reference' column in database
    inSector = isinsector(mo_long, Lat)  # what sector is this feature
                                         #      centered in?
    sectors = sectorlist(mo_long, lat, dia)
                                         # -----what sectors include it?
    typecat = dotypecat(featuretype)     # simplified category type
    domap(mapname, mo_long, lat, dia)    # create the map
    localeDescr = descrlocale(mo_long, Lat, typecat)
                                         # -----text description of location
    approvalStr = doapproval(approvalStat, approvalYear)
                                         # -----text description of approval,
                                         #      if approved.
    # start generating the article here:
    to_out  = []
    to_out += ["{"+"{Circular Feature "]
    to_out += ["name        = "+name]
    to_out += ["featuretype = "+typecat]
    to_out += ["origin      = "+origin]
    to_out += ["map         = [[Image:"+mapname+"|240px]]"]
    to_out += ["mo_coord    = "+mo_coord]
    to_out += ["me_coord    = "+me_coord]
    to_out += ["dia         = "+dia]
    to_out += ["approval    = "+approvalStr]
    # Tidily install pipes for the table 
    to_out = tidypipes(to_out)
    to_out += ["}"+"}"]
    to_out += ["'''"+name+"''' "+localeDescr]
    to_out += ["<BR/><BR/>\n\n"]
    # if inSector !="AAAAAAAAA!":
    to_out += ["The center of "+name+" is in sector [[Sector_"+inSector+"]]"]
    # else:
    #      inSectors = something()
    to_out += ["<BR/><BR/>\n\n"]
    to_out += ["==See Also=="]

    for q in sectors:
        to_out += ["[["+q+"]]"]
    to_out += ["<BR/><BR/>\n\n"]
    to_out += ["==References=="]
    to_out += [refbreak(reference)]
    to_out += ["{"+"{Autostub}"+"}"]
    # to_out += ["[[Category:Locations]]"]
    to_out += docategories(typecat) #["[[Category:"+typecat+"]]"]
    to_out += ["<!-- Generated by a too-early version of WikiMess Autostub1 -->"]

    return to_out

# def main():
#     # load database
#     didxml = templatetop()
#     for q in database: didxml += dostub(q) + templatemid(); print ".",
#     didxml += templatefin()
#     # save didxml

def makemapname(name, other):
    for q in name:
        if q == " ": name2 += "_"
        else: name2 += q
    if other: name2 += "_"+other
    name2 += ".png"
    return name2

def poslong(long_):
    """convert string of possibly noncompliant Mean Earth longitude into float or fixed of compliant Mean Earth longitude
    long_ = float(long_)
    if long_ < 0 : long_ += 360
    return long_

def me2mo(me_long):
    if mo_long <0: mo_long += 360.0
    #print "me_long == "+str(me_long)
    return mo_long

def coordstr(long_,lat):
    """ temporary implementation
    return str(lat)+" "+str(long_)

def descrlocale(long_, lat, what):
    """quickie hack
    if   lat > 5: vert = "a northern"
    elif lat < 5: vert = "a southern"
    else: vert = "an equitorial"

    if   long_ <= 165 and long_ >= 15: side = "near side"
    elif long_ <= 195 and long_ >= 345: side = "far side"
    elif long_ >= 165 and long_ <= 195: side = "east edge"
    else: side = "west edge"
    return "is "+vert+" "+what+" on the "+side+" of Luna."

def isinsector(long_,lat):
    """can we determinewhat sector you're in?
    # special case handling?
    def AAAAAAAAA():
        # border case handling
        return "AAAAAAAAA!"
    # find latitude part or bust
    if lat == 0.0: LT="E" # this is equatorial
         if lat > 0: LTH = "N"
              lat = -lat
              LTH = "S"
         if ((lat+7.5)//15) == ((lat+7.5)/15.0): return AAAAAAAAA()
         LT = str(int(((lat+7.5)//15)*15)) + LTH
         if LT == "90": return LTH # this is a polar sector
    # find longitude part or bust
    if long_ < 7.5 or long_ > 352.5: LG = "000" # prime meridian sector
         if ((long_+7.5)//15) == ((long_+7.5)/15.0): return AAAAAAAAA()
         LG = str(int(((long_+7.5)//15)*15))
         if len(LG)<3: LG = "0"+LG
    # return the result!
    return LT+LG

def dotypecat(stringie):
    if stringie == "Rima, rimae": return "rima"
    # Most definitely need to list the complete set
    return stringie

def docategories(typecat):
    if typecat == "rima": return ["[[Category:Rima]]","[[Category:Locations]]"]
    return [typecat]

def sectorlist(long_,lat,dia):
    return ["sectorlist() not implemented"]

def domap(mapname,long_,lat,dia):
    return "domap() not implemented"

def doapproval(approvalStat, approvalYear):
    """temporary hack; needs to acconut for unapproved
    return approvalStat+" in "+approvalYear

def tidypipes(table):
    """takes a list oy strings, finds the longest one, and tidily adds pipes to the right of each line.

    maxlen: maximum length
    table:  input list of strings
    table2: output list of strings
    maxlen = 0
    for q in table:
        if len(q)>maxlen: maxlen = len(q)
    table2 = []
    for q in table:
        qq = q
        while (len(qq)<maxlen):
              qq += " "
        table2 += [qq+" |"]
    return table2

def do_lat(lat):
    """returns string for latitude
    if lat > 0: return str(lat)+"N"
    if lat == 0: return "E"
    return str(-lat)+"S"

def replacer(stringie, old, new):
    for q in stringie:
        if q == old: name2 += new
        else: name2 += q
    return name2

def refbreak(ref):
    return replacer(ref,";",";<BR/>")

##def ():
##    """
##    """
##    return "() not implemented"
##def ():
##    """
##    """
##    return "() not implemented"

#Item = ["Earth","Moon","Rima Diophantus","29.0","-33.0"," "," "," "," ","east","150.0","EU","Europe","GR","Greek","LTO39B2","LTO-39B2","5","Adopted by IAU","1985","0","null","RI","Rima, rimae","Named from nearby crater."]
Item = ["Earth","Moon","Rima Cardanus","11.4","-71.5"," "," "," "," ","east","175.0","EU","Europe","IT","Italy","LOC-1","LOC-1","5","Adopted by IAU","1964","67","The System of Lunar Craters, Quadrants I, II, III, IV; by D. W. G. Arthur and others; Communications of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, vol. 2, no. 30, 1963; vol. 3, no. 40, 1964; vol. 3, no. 50, 1965; vol. 5, no. 70, 1966.","RI","Rima, rimae","Named from nearby crater."]

for q in What: print q