Talk:Fiction on Lunarpedia
Are we active or passive?
The Lunarpedia community must decide if it wants to be active or passive. If we want to aggressively promote the idea of returning to the Moon to stay, we need to get a very large number of people in effective action on this idea.
A purely technical Lunarpedia will help technical people to be in action. It will not help non-technical people.
To reach non-technical people we must reach out. We must go were they live and feed them what they eat.
The story category is an experiment in reaching out to a much larger number of people. We need to keep it, at least long enough to find out if the experiment is going to succeed or fail.
--Jriley 05:22, 10 March 2007 (PST)
It's not about being active or passive, and it's not technical versus non technical. Plain and simple, Lunarpedia is intended to be fact based. We're in the process of setting up a related wiki for fiction, but it wont be only lunar fiction. Should be up and running soon.
--MikeD 13:33, 10 March 2007 (GMT)