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Spacecraft Name Type Launch Date Date of Lunar Encounter Country Launcher Comments
Luna 1 Lunar Flyby January 2, 1959 at 16:41:21 UTC January 4, 1959 USSR SS-6/R-7 (8K72) First spacecraft to reach the vicinity of the Moon , closest distance 5,995 km, impact intended
Luna 2 Lunar Impact September 12, 1959 at 06:39:42 UTC September 14, 1959, 22:02:24 UTC USSR SS-6/R-7 (8K72) First Lunar Impact - Landing coordinates: 29.1° N, 0° W.
Luna 3 Lunar Flyby October 4, 1959 at 02:24:00 UTC October 6, 1959, 14:16 UTC USSR SS-6/R-7 (8K72) First images of the far side of the Moon; closest distance of 6,200 km near south pole