It is recommended to it 'edit' and copy from between the <PRE> tags, as they let some mangling happen that may result in a corrupted copy of the source code.
#!/usr/bin/python #%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%# # # # Bulk-Wiki-Attacker-Block-O-Mat # # # # version 0.1 # # # # Developed for # # by James Gholston, 2007 # # # # Version for annoying pure # # vandal using anonymous botnet # # attacking five space wikis # # Public Domain # # # #%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%# # This is completely non-interactive, unlike the proper version of BWABOM -- a result # of the ungency of the situation that caused its creation # torque -- how much to squeeze (rule of thumb: # single attack is 3 years, multiple per name is 5 -- # this helps to identify attack severity when looking at # the logfile) # roster -- list of offending accounts entered # reason -- hardwired as "SPAM" # blockheads -- holding list while assembling roster # whack_a_pest -- iteration through roster # venue -- location of output html file with links # implement -- output html # range -- is the output successfully saved to the firing range? # gallery -- file object reason="zombie node of extra-annoying botnet" ##"SPAM" # Select duration torque = "1 month" ##### ##### ##### paste in list of bulk usernames to block * * * HERE * * * ##### ##### roster = ["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""] ##### ##### blockheads = "1" ##print "Paste and/or type in list of destructive accounts; press return more than once if necessary." ### if line != "" keep going ##while(blockheads): ## blockheads = raw_input(">>>>") ## if(blockheads): roster += [blockheads] # Output html page with list of links to open to block them implement = "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Bulk-Wiki-Attacker-Block-O-Mat shooting gallery</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>\n" # for whack_a_pest in roster: implement += "<A href=\"" + whack_a_pest + "&wpBlockOther=" + torque + "&wpBlockReason=" + reason + "&wpBlock=\"Block this user\"\">Open in new tab to ban " + whack_a_pest + " for " + torque + " from Exoplatz</A><BR/>\n" implement += "<A href=\"" + whack_a_pest + "&wpBlockOther=" + torque + "&wpBlockReason=" + reason + "&wpBlock=\"Block this user\"\">Open in new tab to ban " + whack_a_pest + " for " + torque + " from ExoDictionary</A><BR/>\n" implement += "<A href=\"" + whack_a_pest + "&wpBlockOther=" + torque + "&wpBlockReason=" + reason + "&wpBlock=\"Block this user\"\">Open in new tab to ban " + whack_a_pest + " for " + torque + " from</A><BR/>\n" implement += "<A href=\"" + whack_a_pest + "&wpBlockOther=" + torque + "&wpBlockReason=" + reason + "&wpBlock=\"Block this user\"\">Open in new tab to ban " + whack_a_pest + " for " + torque + " from</A><BR/>\n" implement += "<A href=\"" + whack_a_pest + "&wpBlockOther=" + torque + "&wpBlockReason=" + reason + "&wpBlock=\"Block this user\"\">Open in new tab to ban " + whack_a_pest + " for " + torque + " from</A><BR/>\n" implement += "</BODY></HTML>\n" # print implement # save file to disk (or possibly disc, although *I* can't save # a file directly to disc right now) # commented out fault tolerance code not tested yet range = 0 ##print "save html file as (path and filename) -- .html extension suggested" while not range: ##### ##### ##### PASTE OUTPUT HTML FILE NAME * * * HERE * * * ##### ##### venue = "/home/strangelv/" ##### ##### ##raw_input("file and path to save:") #try: gallery=open(venue, "w") gallery.write(implement) gallery.close() range=1 #except: #if gallery: gallery.close() #print "Something went wrong. Let's try that again." # Enjoy! print "open "+venue+" in your preferred tab-capable web browser and have a blast!"