Lunarpedia talk:Autostub1

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Software Development Plan

Thanks for the responses to my various questions. Essentially what I would like to see here is a detailed requirements specification and/or a detailed design document. that will address your valid concerns that "we need to get it right first time"...

In my experience, the most common and most devastating problem encountered by software development projects is.... screwed up requirements, ie requirements which are vague, ambiguous, confusing, misleading, impossible, contradictory, meaningless, non-sensical, and/or incomplete, or just plain wrong. So that is why I am asking lots of questions to make sure the requirements are crystal clear, and we know exactly what we are trying to achieve before we go zooming up the wrong road.


Charles F. Radley 19:41, 16 January 2007 (PST)

Thank you for pointing out this blazingly obvious point that mysteriously never occurred to me. In my defense, I've been working on an iterative development concept (at least until I got detoured) that is compatible with cranking out something now and getting a clue later (even if it means scrapping or shelving a lot of code in the process).
How confusing is my internal documentation? A historical complaint is that my commenting has often been less than fully helpful.
This probably requires its own page, as we're moving beyond the first test. How about Lunarpedia:Autostub1 (...which already exists -- I forgot all about it)?
-- Strangelv 01:41, 17 January 2007 (PST)

Sector areas code:Set up variables to generate article stub Are we ready to incorporate the equations for sector area into the script? Charles F. Radley

Sector Areas could be precomputed and referenced by latitude, as there's basically only five or so different areas unless we want to get really serious and go by actual complex geometry instead of treating it as a sphere (or for partial bonus credit, a slightly flattened sphere) (for example, I've been told that Earth is slightly pear shaped).
Presumably the computation or selection of area could be added to 'Set up variables to generate article stub' and then added to the template graphics below that before to_out is run through tidypipes(), as required by {{Circular Feature}}.
--Strangelv 01:41, 17 January 2007 (PST)
James, what do you mean by "five or so different areas " ? Do you mean there are only 5 sectors?
The solution I posted assumes the Moon is a perfect sphere, for our purposes there is no reason to use more ellaborate models. I believe the equations I provided are adequate. We are not trying to perform a pinpoint landing of a spacecraft, nor make topographic measurements, we are only giving the users some visual experience.
Please provide the lattitude/longitude boundaries of each sector and I will calculate the area by hand. Where do you want me to put the results?
Charles F. Radley 05:02, 17 January 2007 (PST)
24 sectors along the equator have the same area; 2 polar sectors have the same area; all other sectors share the same area with 47 other sectors. Sorry if 'area' is a confusing term to use here. -- Strangelv 06:21, 17 January 2007 (PST)
For what area each sector is, the latitude boundaries are irrelevant. There's 24 equally sized ones at any latitude between 7.5 N and 7.5 S, unless we tinker with the definition -- which there's still time to do. Wait, that's the longitude boundaries. 7.5 N to 7.5 S, then 22.5 N to 22.5 S, et c. until...
*Strangelv reaches for the semicolon to do some arithmatic with he's too groggy to do in his head
=> 82.5
You say, "82.5N -- mirrored for the southern hemisphere. All equatorial sectors have the same area unless we do a highly precise model. Ditto the ones above and below the equator, then the ones above and below them, et c.
-- Strangelv 06:52, 17 January 2007 (PST)

James, sorry but I do not understand what you wrote there, and I re-read it a couple of times. It is a case of an incomprehensible requirement :-)

What I need is this:

List of areas (sectors), and for each area (sector) specify the following four values:

- Latitude of Northern boundary
- Latitude of Southern boundary
- Longitude of Western Boundary
- Longitude of Eastern Boundary

Give me that list of parameters and I will tell you what the area is of each sector.


Charles F. Radley 13:44, 17 January 2007 (PST)

Sorry about that. Here's one for each Northern latitude. Every sector of our Lunar-sized perfect sphere will have the exact same area as one of the following (and I misremembered how many):
07.5N, 07.5S, 0E, 15E
22.5N, 07.5N, 0E, 15E
37.5N, 22.5N, 0E, 15E
52.5N, 37.5N, 0E, 15E
67.5N, 52.5N, 0E, 15E
82.5N, 67.5N, 0E, 15E
Everything north of 82.5N
Hope this is clearer. -- Strangelv 02:33, 18 January 2007 (PST)
Areas are given in square kilometres Charles F. Radley 11:34, 18 January 2007 (PST)

Need to round the number to four significant figures Charles F. Radley 11:41, 19 January 2007 (PST)

07.5N, 07.5S, 0E, 15E, Area=206440.9435 (rounded 206400)
22.5N, 07.5N, 0E, 15E, Area=199406.6389 (rounded 199400)
37.5N, 22.5N, 0E, 15E, Area=178783.1015 (rounded 178800)
52.5N, 37.5N, 0E, 15E, Area=145975.7911 (rounded 146000)
67.5N, 52.5N, 0E, 15E, Area=103220.4717 (rounded 103200)
82.5N, 67.5N, 0E, 15E , Area=53430.84787 (rounded 53430)
Everything north of 82.5N , Area=162370.2516 (rounded 162400)

Another possibility is five degrees squared sectors.

02.5N, 02.5S, 0E, 5E
07.5N, 02.5N, 0E, 5E
12.5N, 07.5N, 0E, 5E
17.5N, 12.5N, 0E, 5E
22.5N, 17.5N, 0E, 5E
27.5N, 22.5N, 0E, 5E
32.5N, 27.5N, 0E, 5E
37.5N, 32.5N, 0E, 5E
42.5N, 37.5N, 0E, 5E
47.5N, 42.5N, 0E, 5E
52.5N, 47.5N, 0E, 5E
57.5N, 52.5N, 0E, 5E
62.5N, 57.5N, 0E, 5E
67.5N, 62.5N, 0E, 5E
72.5N, 67.5N, 0E, 5E
77.5N, 72.5N, 0E, 5E
82.5N, 77.5N, 0E, 5E
87.5N, 82.5N, 0E, 5E
Everything north of 87.5

Or, use four degrees and have whole number latitudes. This appears to replace the single band at the equator, making the equator a dividing line rather than a center.

04N, 00N, 0E, 4E
08N, 04N, 0E, 4E
12N, 08N, 0E, 4E
16N, 12N, 0E, 4E
20N, 16N, 0E, 4E
24N, 20N, 0E, 4E
28N, 24N, 0E, 4E
32N, 28N, 0E, 4E
36N, 32N, 0E, 4E
40N, 36N, 0E, 4E
44N, 40N, 0E, 4E
48N, 44N, 0E, 4E
52N, 48N, 0E, 4E
56N, 52N, 0E, 4E
60N, 56N, 0E, 4E
64N, 60N, 0E, 4E
68N, 64N, 0E, 4E
72N, 68N, 0E, 4E
76N, 72N, 0E, 4E
80N, 76N, 0E, 4E
84N, 80N, 0E, 4E
88N, 84N, 0E, 4E
Everything north of 88N

And, no, I've not yet worked out how many sectors total these would have.

With sector articles automatically generated, what should be our target. I was still thinking in terms of manual efforts with the 266 sector arrangement, although a larger number would take longer to proof. On the plus side, a smaller number would let users get more intimate with an area of the surface. This would also probably need a higher resolution source map to generate sector maps from.

Concept: take the width at the center and resample the sector map to be the correct width relative to its height at that point. This could allow higher latitude maps to be taken from a cylindrical projection without unrecognizable distortion and reduce the amount of trouble with trying to find and use polar projections.

-- Strangelv 12:00, 19 January 2007 (PST)


The specifications are a mixture of what has been done, what I've forgotten I wanted to do, what I thought of on the fly. It's a real mess right now, but may be a workable starting point for discussion. -- Strangelv 06:09, 17 January 2007 (PST)

Software Requirements Specification

Software Design Specification

Software Test Plan


Tinker here.

#                             #
# Feature Autostub Generator  #
#                             #
# Licence pending             #
#                             #

def dofeature(thisentry):
    """Generates article on a feature given in thisentry
                 00 -- system (will always be 'Earth'
                 01 -- satellite (will always be Moon)  
    name         02 -- name
    lat          03 -- USGS latitude
                 04 -- USGS longitude
    me_long = poslong(thisentry[4])   -- Mean Earth longitude
    mo_long = me2mo(me_long)          -- Mare Orientale longitude
    me_coord = coordstr(me_long, lat) -- string for Mean Earth coordinates
    mo_coord = coordstr(mo_long, lat) -- string for Mare Orientale coordinates
                 05 -- starting latitude (never provided, unfortunately)
                 06 -- ending latitude (never provided, unfortunately)
                 07 -- starting longitude (never provided, unfortunately)
                 08 -- ending longitude (never provided, unfortunately)    
                 09 -- DIR (???)
    dia          10 -- diameter in klicks
                 11 -- CT (country of discovery?)
                 12 -- Continent (of discovery?)
                 13 -- ET (???)
                 14 -- Ethnicity (of name?)
                 15 -- Quad (USGS map info)
                 16 -- Map (USGS map info)
                 17 -- AS (???)
    approvalStat 18 -- Approved Status Description
    approvalYear 19 -- Approval Date (year)
                 20 -- REF (???)
    reference    21 -- References
                 22 -- FT (Feature Type categorization, presumably)
    featuretype  23 -- Feature Type Name
    origin       24 -- origin

    # Set up variables to generate article stub
    name = thisentry[2]                  # name of feature
    mapname = makemapname(name, None)    # filename for this feature's
                                         #      automatically generated
                                         #      map from Clementine data
    Lat = float(thisentry[3])            # USGS latitude
    lat = do_lat(Lat)                    # string with proper latitude
    me_long = poslong(thisentry[4])      # longitude (Mean Earth)
    mo_long = me2mo(me_long)             # longitude (Mare Orientale)
    me_coord = coordstr(me_long, lat)    # Mean Earth coordinate string
    mo_coord = coordstr(mo_long, lat)    # Mare Orientale coordinate string
    origin = thisentry[24]               # 'Origin' column in database
                                         #          warning: this seems to
                                         #          be almost anything
    featuretype = thisentry[23]          # Is this a mare, a crater, other?
    dia = thisentry[10]                  # feature diameter, if applicable
    approvalStat = thisentry[18]         # year approval information
    approvalYear = thisentry[19]         # year of approval (if approved)
    reference = thisentry[21]            # 'reference' column in database
    inSector = isinsector(mo_long, Lat)  # what sector is this feature
                                         #      centered in?
    sectors = sectorlist(mo_long, lat, dia)
                                         # -----what sectors include it?
    typecat = dotypecat(featuretype)     # simplified category type
    domap(mapname, mo_long, lat, dia)    # create the map
    localeDescr = descrlocale(mo_long, Lat, typecat)
                                         # -----text description of location
    approvalStr = doapproval(approvalStat, approvalYear)
                                         # -----text description of approval,
                                         #      if approved.
    # start generating the article here:
    to_out  = []
    to_out += ["{{Circular Feature "]
    to_out += ["name        = "+name]
    to_out += ["featuretype = "+typecat]
    to_out += ["origin      = "+origin]
    to_out += ["map         = [[Image:"+mapname+"|240px]]"]
    to_out += ["mo_coord    = "+mo_coord]
    to_out += ["me_coord    = "+me_coord]
    to_out += ["dia         = "+dia]
    to_out += ["approval    = "+approvalStr]
    # Tidily install pipes for the table 
    to_out = tidypipes(to_out)
    to_out += ["}}"]
    to_out += ["'''"+name+"''' "+localeDescr]
    to_out += ["<BR/><BR/>\n\n"]
    # if inSector !="AAAAAAAAA!":
    to_out += ["The center of "+name+" is in sector [[Sector_"+inSector+"]]"]
    # else:
    #      inSectors = something()
    to_out += ["<BR/><BR/>\n\n"]
    to_out += ["==See Also=="]

    for q in sectors:
        to_out += ["[["+q+"]]"]
    to_out += ["<BR/><BR/>\n\n"]
    to_out += ["==References=="]
    to_out += [refbreak(reference)]
    to_out += ["{{Autostub}}"]
    # to_out += ["[[Category:Locations]]"]
    to_out += docategories(typecat) #["[[Category:"+typecat+"]]"]
    to_out += ["<!-- Generated by a too-early version of WikiMess Autostub1 -->"]

    return to_out

# def main():
#     # load database
#     didxml = templatetop()
#     for q in database: didxml += dostub(q) + templatemid(); print ".",
#     didxml += templatefin()
#     # save didxml

def makemapname(name, other):
    for q in name:
        if q == " ": name2 += "_"
        else: name2 += q
    if other: name2 += "_"+other
    name2 += ".png"
    return name2

def poslong(long_):
    """convert string of possibly noncompliant Mean Earth longitude into float or fixed of compliant Mean Earth longitude
    long_ = float(long_)
    if long_ < 0 : long_ += 360
    return long_

def me2mo(me_long):
    if mo_long <0: mo_long += 360.0
    #print "me_long == "+str(me_long)
    return mo_long

def coordstr(long_,lat):
    """ temporary implementation
    return str(lat)+" "+str(long_)

def descrlocale(long_, lat, what):
    """quickie hack
    if   lat > 5: vert = "a northern"
    elif lat < 5: vert = "a southern"
    else: vert = "an equatorial"

    if   long_ <= 165 and long_ >= 15: side = "near side"
    elif long_ <= 195 and long_ >= 345: side = "far side"
    elif long_ >= 165 and long_ <= 195: side = "east edge"
    else: side = "west edge"
    return "is "+vert+" "+what+" on the "+side+" of Luna."

def isinsector(long_,lat):
    """can we determinewhat sector you're in?
    # special case handling?
    def AAAAAAAAA():
        # border case handling
        return "AAAAAAAAA!"
    # find latitude part or bust
    if lat == 0.0: LT="E" # this is equatorial
         if lat > 0: LTH = "N"
              lat = -lat
              LTH = "S"
         if ((lat+7.5)//15) == ((lat+7.5)/15.0): return AAAAAAAAA()
         LT = str(int(((lat+7.5)//15)*15)) + LTH
         if LT == "90": return LTH # this is a polar sector
    # find longitude part or bust
    if long_ < 7.5 or long_ > 352.5: LG = "000" # prime meridian sector
         if ((long_+7.5)//15) == ((long_+7.5)/15.0): return AAAAAAAAA()
         LG = str(int(((long_+7.5)//15)*15))
         if len(LG)<3: LG = "0"+LG
    # return the result!
    return LT+LG

def dotypecat(stringie):
    if stringie == "Rima, rimae": return "rima"
    # Most definitely need to list the complete set
    return stringie

def docategories(typecat):
    if typecat == "rima": return ["[[Category:Rima]]","[[Category:Locations]]"]
    return [typecat]

def sectorlist(long_,lat,dia):
    return ["sectorlist() not implemented"]

def domap(mapname,long_,lat,dia):
    return "domap() not implemented"

def doapproval(approvalStat, approvalYear):
    """temporary hack; needs to acconut for unapproved
    return approvalStat+" in "+approvalYear

def tidypipes(table):
    """takes a list oy strings, finds the longest one, and tidily adds pipes to the right of each line.

    maxlen: maximum length
    table:  input list of strings
    table2: output list of strings
    maxlen = 0
    for q in table:
        if len(q)>maxlen: maxlen = len(q)
    table2 = []
    for q in table:
        qq = q
        while (len(qq)<maxlen):
              qq += " "
        table2 += [qq+" |"]
    return table2

def do_lat(lat):
    """returns string for latitude
    if lat > 0: return str(lat)+"N"
    if lat == 0: return "E"
    return str(-lat)+"S"

def replacer(stringie, old, new):
    for q in stringie:
        if q == old: name2 += new
        else: name2 += q
    return name2

def refbreak(ref):
    return replacer(ref,";",";<BR/>")

##def ():
##    """
##    """
##    return "() not implemented"
##def ():
##    """
##    """
##    return "() not implemented"

def Stringify(listish):
    stringish = "" 
    for q in listish:
        if type(q) == type('str'):
           stringish += q
           #print "str"
        elif type(q) == type([]):
           stringish += Stringify(q)
           #print "list"
             print type(q)
             print q
             raise TypeError, "non-string non-list!!!"
    return stringish 

def TSVinput(filename):
    """tab separated database parser
    # Open filename
    # Convert to list
    ## get list of lines
    biglist = tsv.readlines()
    #for q in tsv:
    #    biglist += q
    ## parse lines
    #for q in biglist: print q
    newlist = []
    for q in biglist:
        newlist += [q.split("\t")]
        # print max(max(newlist))
    # return list
    return newlist

def StartXML():
    out  = [['<mediawiki xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="0.3" xml:lang="en">\n']]
    out +=  ['    <siteinfo>\n']
    out +=  ['        <sitename>Lunarpedia</sitename>\n']
    out +=  ['    </siteinfo>\n']
    return out

def EndXML():
    out  = [['</mediawiki>\n']]
    return out

def ArtXML(title, contrib, text):
    '''XML markup for article in file
    title --   title of article
    contrib -- name of script (ie Autostub2)
    text --    the article
    out  = [['    <page>\n']]
    out +=  ['        <title>'+title+'</title>\n']
    out +=  ['        <revision>\n']
    out +=  ['            <contributor>\n']
    out +=  ['                <username>'+contrib+'</username>\n']
    out +=  ['            </contributor>\n']
    # out +=  ['            <text xml:space="preserve">'+text+'</text>']
    out +=  ['            <text xml:space="preserve">']
    out +=  text
    out +=  ['</text>\n']
    out +=  ['        </revision>\n']
    out +=  ['    </page>\n']

#Item = ["Earth","Moon","Rima Diophantus","29.0","-33.0"," "," "," "," ","east","150.0","EU","Europe","GR","Greek","LTO39B2","LTO-39B2","5","Adopted by IAU","1985","0","null","RI","Rima, rimae","Named from nearby crater."]
Item = ["Earth","Moon","Rima Cardanus","11.4","-71.5"," "," "," "," ","east","175.0","EU","Europe","IT","Italy","LOC-1","LOC-1","5","Adopted by IAU","1964","67","The System of Lunar Craters, Quadrants I, II, III, IV; by D. W. G. Arthur and others; Communications of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, vol. 2, no. 30, 1963; vol. 3, no. 40, 1964; vol. 3, no. 50, 1965; vol. 5, no. 70, 1966.","RI","Rima, rimae","Named from nearby crater."]

for q in What: print q